Thursday, 22 February 2007

Just a few things

This is just a couple of things I feel I should post;

g / gia - Never, and I mean never feel alone when it comes to your feminist ideals. Perhaps it's hardest for people our age because we're being brought up through our teen years with 'raunch culture' to a saturated extent and still the virgin/whore double standard is there. If you have any other issues you want to talk about, I really wouldn't mind chatting to you about it.

mark - If your reading this I'd really like to open a discussion with you privately since I don't want to use my comments page to air out my issues (not enough room, heh), hope you do agree.

Laura - I hope you have an enjoyable and rewarding experience in Chile and you are still one of my favorite, if not the favorite feminist blogger.

So, erm, yeah... really it was an urge to write these... sort of... notes, but I do feel better.

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